Monday, April 25, 2011

Canon in D by Pachelbel - The Song Everybody Knows

The Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel is a composition well known throughout the world. This is a piece of music being used in commercials, movies, music and shopping systems played. Its melody and harmony that, when listened to stimulate a reaction listeners ". I know this song"
Pachelbel wrote this music around 1680. Its correct name is "Canon and gigue in D Major for three violins and basso continuo. Now it is called, in normal use, the Canon in D(O D major).

This fee was the only one that Pachelbel wrote. He wrote it as a piece of chamber music. Chamber music is a form of classical music, originally scheduled for performance in a palace chamber. This type of music is for a small group of instrumentalists. One performer plays each part of the music.


Written for the bass and violin and for small spaces, this song is not that today is limited. A variety of tools, small and great musicianGroups perform this famous piece for years.

The term "canon" in the title of the song refers to the type of music. A canon is music to sing or play offset. In a canon, different instruments or singers start playing music. You may not start but the exact same time. They appear in a song by one. The key to the canon is that they perform exactly the same sequence of notes. This leads to a fascinating diversity and songComplexity.

The sequence of notes of Canon in D Major is one that captures the ear. It is now a famous chord progression that we know when and where we are. The song has a bass line and harmonic structure, two bars. This sequence is repeated throughout the piece. The staggered singing or playing (the canon) plays in the sequence of repeated notes.

Johann Pachelbel was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1653. He has lived and worked during the Baroque period of classicalMusic.

He was a composer, organist and teacher in his life, he has written much music for the organ. He wrote sacred music and secular music keeps job as organist at the church during his career.

In fact, he established himself as a musician of distinction in Erfurt, Germany. Here was the organist at the church Predigerkirche Protestant (Lutheran Preacher's Church) since 1678. Erfurt was the Bach family's land of ancestral roots. Actually taught Johann PachelbelChristoph Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach's older brother.

Pachelbel also served as organist at the Court and the Court in Stuggart in Gotha, Germany. In 1695 he was organist at the Church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg. He replaced his former teacher, the German composer and organist, George Caspar Wecker here about his death.

Pachelbel wrote chorale variations for the keyboard. Written at the time for organ and harpsichord they receive treatment on the modern piano today. In this type of music, the chorale melody is the theme, and then the performer plays variations on this theme.

Although known for his Canon in D today, Pachelbel wrote touched, fantasies and fugues. An impressive and important work is the Apollinis Hexachordum that a set of six keyboard arias and their variations.

The Canon in D Major continues to delight listeners of all kinds, pianists and composers today. This is a "musical"> Canon's powerful, has undergone through the centuries.

Canon in D by Pachelbel - The Song Everybody Knows

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